Monday, April 6, 2009

Ramblings of an overworked girl

I have an appointment to get a cut and color tommorow morning! I dont know if i should go back to blonde or stay brunette, keep growing it out or keep it short.... I am so indecisive when it comes to my hair.
I have been all alone in my parents house the last few days while they are at a reunion. It feels so weird to be alone all the time, even my dog is at my aunts. I have been working SOOO much and playing not enough. I think I am going crazy. Anyway, I am planning a trip to Logan this Friday for Alyssa's reception and I'm going to stay with Brooke which is always a good time. Brooke and I have been good friends since I was in 8th grade and we used to be inseperable when I lived in Logan so I miss her so much! Lucky for me she is moving down here in less than a month so we will be able to lay out and get diet cokes all summer! Enough rambling.. that's the update on me!