Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baseball and sleep deprivation

Tonight after an exhausting day of going to school after working all night and 2.5 hours of sleep I got to go to a baseball game! This means it's the start of getting a tan, wearing shorts sun dresses flip flops and going swimming! The weather was almost hot in the afternoon and perfect in the evening I'm loving it. Jason and I went to the Utes baseball game at the Bee's stadium. Then we went to the spaghetti factory. Unfortunately I am back at work again but if i make it though the night I will finally get sleep!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easter Weekend

I have been having lots of fun this spring. My good friend Alyssa got married on April 10th so i made the long drive to Logan for her reception. It was so pretty and her and Jon look so happy. Since I was up there i decided to stay the night with my best bud Brookie D. We went to Chili's with her bf Mike. Then we kicked him out and stayed up all night talking and watching movies. The next day we slept in, went to the hot tub, went tanning, went to lunch, got our necessary Diet Coke and were very lazy. It was great, I do not miss Logan but I miss living with Brooke. The next day was Easter and I got to hang out with the whole family. We had an easter egg hunt for my nephews and had a big Easter dinner. My mom catered to everyone's favorite and even cooked me chicken cause she knows I hate ham. My Grandma drove from Hyrum for the dinner. One of my nephews had a birthday the day after so we decided to celebrate it with him that day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Hair Color

I dyed my hair.... It's the in between stage for me going back to blonde... I just didn't want to fry my hair off since I am growing it out. This is my version of the famous "myspace" pose. I'm in a better mood now that I am getting a few days off of work and school! Hopefully the weather warms up I need the summer to come!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ramblings of an overworked girl

I have an appointment to get a cut and color tommorow morning! I dont know if i should go back to blonde or stay brunette, keep growing it out or keep it short.... I am so indecisive when it comes to my hair.
I have been all alone in my parents house the last few days while they are at a reunion. It feels so weird to be alone all the time, even my dog is at my aunts. I have been working SOOO much and playing not enough. I think I am going crazy. Anyway, I am planning a trip to Logan this Friday for Alyssa's reception and I'm going to stay with Brooke which is always a good time. Brooke and I have been good friends since I was in 8th grade and we used to be inseperable when I lived in Logan so I miss her so much! Lucky for me she is moving down here in less than a month so we will be able to lay out and get diet cokes all summer! Enough rambling.. that's the update on me!